Saturday, May 27, 2017

Five Minimalist Things & One Minimalist Fail

In this semi-regular post to the blog, I will tell you about five minimalist things I've done recently.

1) I'm walking to work on days when I know that I won't need a car for work-related purposes. Score! More on this experiment here.

2) I checked out some entertainment from the library in the form of a couple of DVD's I've been wanting to see. I also checked out a couple of audiobooks from the library app. When I was done, I was able to return them without adding to the physical clutter of our lives.

3) I ate out of the fridge even though I reeeeeallly wanted to eat out. This cut down on food waste, emptied out the fridge and kept dollars in my pocket for more important things.

4) I cleared out some old shoes that were worn out and small items that I hadn't used in over a year.

5) I started some clippings of family succulents. They make terrific hostess gifts without adding something wasteful to someone's home.

What have you done to support your minimalist values this week? 

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